Rome, if you only have one day in my favourite city in the world, I recommend the following:-
After settling into your hotel don’t even bother to unpack – Rome is more important!
Go straight to the Pantheon built in 118-128 AD– the glory of all buildings! And pay homage to the incredible antiquity and bow down to the fact that they stole the columns from Greece and rolled them across the seas and terra to Rome – a feat in itself!
When it rains the raindrops filter down through the hole in the dome and the water goes into the holes in the marble floor. It is beautiful to watch –if it rains in Roma race to the Pantheon to see it as it is glorious – a work of art and nature in itself.
Then wander up the to the Trevi fountain with the other million tourists there and throw a coin in the fountain which means you will come back to Rome – if you don’t want to come back then don’t! Watch the film “La Dolca Vita” before you depart to see what the Trevi fountain looks like without the tourists!! Have a gelato there but unfortunately there are no seats. No rest for the wicked!
At sunset, go straight to the Campidoglio – this is the stairwell behind the right side (facing front on the building) of the Victor Emmanuel II building – the giant white building with the bronze horses on the top, right in the center of Roma at Piazza Venezia. You will probably go past it in the taxi on the way to your hotel.
Go up the stairs and past the bronze statue of Emperor Marcus Aurelius on the horse and keeping on-going through the beautiful Piazza Michaelangelo, designed by the genius and to the right there is an archway. Go through and you will come to a lookout over the Roman Forum – my favourite view in Rome. So beautiful at sunset when the lights are coming on. Ah just so lovely! Such antiquity!
As everyone’s tastes and budgets are different and there are so many vegans and vegetarians and gluten free eaters now as well as differing prices that I am now loath to recommend my tastes for Italian restaurants any more so check out Gambero Rosso restaurant guide which is the most prestigious in Italy and trustworthy!
However I personally never get tired of pasta and could eat it until the cows come home! Every region and every restaurant has a different sauce and different type of pasta made from different flour, so it is never ever boring! If you only eat until not quite so full like the Italians do, one does not put on weight and you walk it off in Italy.
I would print out the list and ask reception which ones are near to your hotel so you don’t have to catch a taxi home but walk!
After dinner, buy a gelato and head to Piazza Navona at night, where you will be entertained with musicians, street performers and artists thronging through the tourists. Note the fountain of the four rivers on the four continents designed by Bernini which left out Australia as it was not discovered at the time he carved it out of rock.
Enjoy La Bella Roma and remember “When in Roma do as the Romans do!”